Work in Denmark
Work in Denmark with good condition and right path is not a dream anymore.
Work in ِDenmark will bring
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- Insurance
- Form & Support
- Accommodation Letter
- All Process by Professional Team
Best Offer by Merissa
Immigrate to Denmark
1. Legalization of Documents.
2. Submission of Request.
3. Proof of accommodation.
4. Insurance. (for the sake of visa / additional)
5. Fill the Form of Visa.
That applications from nurses who have completed primary qualifications more than 6 years prior to the receipt of a fully documented application at the Danish Patient Safety Authority will be rejected, unless the application is accompanied by a document stating professional experience as a nurse for at least 12 months during the 6 years preceding the date when we receive an application
General Info & Conditions
- Required, Personal Picture
- Required, Scan of the passport.
- Required, CV for the request with job.
- Required, Initial payment
- Required, Sign the contract
- Condition, Full refund if we cant provide permition
- Condition, Age limitation 18 - 45 years old
- Condition, For all nationalities
- Condition, Processing time 6 - 24 Month
Vacancies are open.
Don't lose the time, Contact us and make your own future.
Important information
Application and approval of qualifications
- Documentation of name, date of birth and nationality (e.g. a certified copy of the relevant page in your passport).
- Name change certificate, if any.
- Curriculum vitae, listing your qualifications and work experience in chronological order.
- Diploma/Certificate.
- Detailed transcript of the study programme from the educational institution containing the following information:
- Admission requirements
- Total length of the education
- Theoretical education: subjects and lecture hours of each subject
- Clinical education: subjects and duration indicated in hours
- Clinical education: departments and number of weeks in each department.
- Documentation of at least 12 months’ work experience as a nurse (Only if you completed your training more than 6 years before this application – (the 6-year-rule)). The documentation must confirm full-time employment and detailed information of your daily professional tasks.
Documented part-time employment for a period corresponding to 12 months of full-time employment can also fulfill the requirement for 12 months of work experience, provided that the work experience is acquired within the last 6 years prior to the date where we receive an application.
General Information
Any education diploma as far as it is valid is acceptable, Any nationality from anywhere, if they are eligible and can face the requirement for visa submission, is able to join this program.
Job experience is connected with the condition of the 6-year-rule,
The duration of this program is split to 3 steps such as validation, visa submission, and immigration to Denmark. Our team is ready to
support you in all the steps.
The comparative medical course will take place after immigrating to Denmark.